Welcome to
Zambia Air Force Mail (ZAFMail)

Here you will find all you need to get started with the Zambia Air Force Webmail and learn how to configure e-mail client software applications such as and

  • Your e-mail address will identify you to any institution that you belong to the Air Force.

  • Information will reach personnel working out of station, overseas and on leave, within and across all formations, in “real-time”.

  • E-mail will improve information integirty because messages are encrypted from the sender to the receiver.

  • Communicate to multiple personnel at once in sections, units or formations.

  • E-mail will reduce the cost of communication. E-mail is paperless and does not need a physical messenger.

  • E-mails make referencing easy and can store information digitally and forever.

1. Whether you are using a desktop computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone, You can access your airforce.mil.zm mailbox by opening your favourite web browser.

3. You will arrive at the home page and have four panes:

4. When a message is selected in the Message pane, its contents are displayed in the reading pane as shown below.

5. To compose a message, click Compose at the top of the Apps pane. Now you can:


    Type the destination e-mail address.


    Type the subject of your e-mail.


    Type the message you wish to convey.


    Attach any file that you want to share with the recipient.

6.The Contacts App will display:

8.The Calendar App stores upcoming events and sends you an e-mail to remind you when an event is about to take place.

9. The Storage Metre will show how much space has been allocated to you on the server.

10. Dark Mode is a display setting where light coloured text is presented against a dark background. All webmail functions remain the same.

Zambia Air Force

Smartphone Webmail

1. Zambia Air Force Webmail is a responsive websites, designed to automatically adjust and fit any screen size. You can access the Smartphone version of this site by opening your favourite web browser on your Smartphone.

3. You will arrive in the inbox. Click the desired message and its content will be displayed in full. Click < Back at the top left of the message page to go back to the Inbox folder.

4. To move to other mail box folders such as Inbox, Drafts, Sent, Junk and Trash, click the folder icon at the top of the Webmail site. You will also view the Storage Metre.

5. To compose a message, click Apps (the three (3) lines) at the top left of the webmail site. Then click Compose at the top of the Apps pane.

6. To view Air Force contacts, click Apps (the three (3) lines) at the top left of the webmail site. Then click Contacts, option 3 in the Apps pane.

7. When a contact is clicked, the details of that contact are displayed in full.

8. To view the Calendar, click Apps (the three (3) lines) at the top left of the webmail site. Then click Calendar, option 4 in the Apps pane.

9. To switch to Dark Mode, click Apps (the three (3) lines) at the top left of the webmail site. Then click Dark Mode, option 5 in the Apps pane.

Change Your

2. Click or type the link https://zafmail.airforce.mil.zm/password in your address bar and enter the following in the form:


Svc# / Man#@airforce.mil.zm


Your existing e-mail address password.


Your new password.


Your new password again.

3. Your new password MUST have the following:


A number (1234567890)


A CAPITAL letter


A special character (.,/;'!@#$%)


Minimum eight (8) characters long.


You CAN NOT use your Svc# or Name in sequence.

4. Civilians must enter the Man Number without the preceding zero(s).

5. If you can not remember your password, contact the IT Directorate for further assistance.

Configure E-mail
Client Software

1. An e-mail client is a software application that is used to access and manage e-mails. Examples of e-mail client software are and . The following settings are needed to configure e-mail client software:


IMAP & SMTP Server: zafmail.airforce.mil.zm


Security Type: SSL


IMAP Port: 993


SMTP Port: 465


Account and Username: Your @airforce.mil.zm e-mail address.

1. Microsoft Outlook is the e-mail client included in the Microsoft Office suite. To configure your Air Force e-mail address on Microsoft Outlook, follow the steps below.

2. At the top of the Outlook ribbon, select File. This is what the ribbon looks like in Outlook 2016.

2. Click Add Account

4. Select POP or IMAP and click Next >.

5. In the Add Account window:


    Enter your name and e-mail address.


    Account Type drop-down - select IMAP.


    Set Incoming mail server to zafmail.airforce.mil.zm


    Set Outgoing mail server (SMTP) to zafmail.airforce.mil.zm


    Enter your Login information (User Name and Password).

7. Switch to the Outgoing Server tab and check My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication.

8. Switch to the Advanced tab and in the Server Port Numbers section:


    Set Incoming server (IMAP) to 993.


    Use the following type of encrypted connection - select SSL.


    Set Outgoing server (SMTP) to 465.


    Use the following type of encrypted connection - select SSL.


    Click Ok to close and click Next >.

9. Outlook should tell you that “All tests completed successfully”. Click close and finish.

1. Gmail is an e-mail client that can be installed across various mobile platforms such as Android, Apple and Windows.

To configure your Air Force e-mail address on the Gmail app, follow the steps below.

2. Click the three (3) lines at the the left corner of the search bar at the top of the Gmail App for more options.

3. Scroll down and select settings.

4. Select Add account.

5. Select Other

6. Enter your airforce.mil.zm e-mail address.

8. Enter your e-mail address password and click Next.

9. On the last row (Server), enter zafmail.airforce.mil.zm and click Next.

10. On the last row (SMTP Server), enter zafmail.airforce.mil.zm and click Next.

11. Set the Sync Frequency to 15 Minutes and check all the boxes. Then click Next.

12. Enter your full name and click Next.

13. You have successfully added you Air Force e-mail account to your Gmail App. Click < Back to go back to your mail.

14. To focus on your Air Force e-mail, click the image on the right corner of the search bar at the top of the Gmail App.

15. Select your Air Force mailbox.

16. Now only your Air Force e-mail will be displayed.